Our Partners

Experian sponsors HeartBroke, the series on Million Stories that brings couples together for frank and honest conversations about their finances and how relationships are tested with financial issues. The sponsorship is part of Experian’s United for Financial Health initiative, which aims to empower and protect consumers to improve their financial health through education and action. In addition to supporting the video series, Experian amplifies the show’s themes and advice with complementary content such as financial and credit education resources.

Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization, a 501(c)(3) not for profit charitable corporation founded in 1983, supports more than 16,500 emerging collegiate entrepreneurs annually. CEO believes that any student, regardless of academic discipline can launch a business. Through our global network of more than 250 college and university chapters, we support and inspire the growth and development of any student that seeks to be entrepreneurial.

The Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) envisions a world in which individuals have the financial knowledge they need to fully participate in the economy and build secure futures. In working toward that vision, GFLEC has positioned itself as the world’s leading incubator for financial literacy research, policy, and solutions. GFLEC launched in 2011 at the George Washington University School of Business in Washington, D.C. Since then, it has pioneered breakthrough tools to measure financial literacy, developed and advised on educational programs, and crafted policy guidelines aimed at advancing financial knowledge in the United States and around the globe.

Indigo Pathway
IndigoPathway.com is a free online resource that aligns job seekers’ unique strengths, motivators & behaviors to fulfilling career paths that don’t require a 4-year degree. Users start by taking a 7-minute career path quiz, which provides extensive self-awareness and career matches that are linked to a database of alternative education options to help people improve their skills and land a new job. IndigoPathway is a program of Indigo Education Company’s non-profit arm.

Jump$tart Coalition
The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. The coalition consists of more than 100 national organizations and a network of 51 independent, affiliated state coalitions that share a commitment to advancing youth financial literacy. Jump$tart supports the financial education efforts of its partners and affiliates, brings together the financial literacy community to foster cooperation and collaboration. Jump$tart raises the importance of financial literacy and the importance of effective financial education.

Military Spouse Employment Partnership
The Department of Defense Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) connects military spouses with hundreds of partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses. The Singleton Foundation and Million Stories is proud to be a member of The Spouse Ambassador Network within the MSEP. The Spouse Ambassador Network is a select, committed group of 27 organizations within the Military Spouse Employment Partnership that leverage their community networks to raise awareness of military spouse education and employment resources in communities where military spouses live and work. A military spouse can take advantage of the services, support and networking opportunities provided by these organizations while building their network inside and outside the military community.

NFL Alumni Association
NFL Alumni was founded in 1967 and is the oldest and most recognizable national organization of retired professional athletes. Part of NFL Alumni’s dual mission is “Caring for Kids”. Player alumni give back in their local communities by raising funds for youth-related charities through their 35 regional chapters. It is a tradition that has existed for more than 50 years. The other half of NFLA’s mission, “Caring for our Own” is to serve, assist and inform its members and their families. Alumni members are offered a diverse package of wellness, business, career, and legal services to help members and their families be healthy, productive, and connected to one another.

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) is a global nonprofit that activates the entrepreneurial mindset and teaches startup skills. NFTE works with schools and community-based organizations in the U.S. and 10 countries around the world to bring entrepreneurship education to young people, and works with business and philanthropic partners to bring entrepreneurship essentials programs such as Career Relaunch to adult learners. Since 1987, NFTE has helped more than a million entrepreneurs launch businesses of all sizes.

Next Gen Personal Finance
Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) is a nonprofit that was founded in 2014 to partner with teachers and educators. The organization provides FREE up-to-date curriculum, engaging professional development and advocacy resources to increase access to financial education in high school and middle school. As of 2020, NGPF's curriculum and professional development has extended to 43,000 educators reaching over 2 million students! NGPF's mission is that by 2030, ALL students will take a one-semester personal finance course before graduating from high school.

Established in 1998, Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, Inc. (SFE&PD), is a leading award winning financial literacy and professional development non-profit organization. SFE&PD's mission is to enhance the financial and economic literacy of individuals and households in the United States and promote professional development at the early stages of career development through mid-level management. SFE&PD develops and presents a series of financial education seminars titled “Mind Over Money Skills” for college students, the faith-based community, employees in the workplace and for community-based organizations. SFE&PD also hosts an innovative professional development Annual Financial Literacy Leadership Conference for educators, policymakers, nonprofits, the private sector and interested citizens to share best practices.

Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) is a national, nonprofit organization providing students and young adults with the skills they need to make smart financial decisions. CARE is a volunteer-driven organization, with a network of expert volunteers in chapters across the country who give free educational presentations in high schools, colleges, and community youth organizations. Each CARE presentation conforms to the National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education developed by the National Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.

WorkingNation is a nonprofit campaign founded in 2016 by venture capitalist Art Bilger to expose hard truths about the looming unemployment crisis and bring the country together to create and amplify solutions for a changing economy. WorkingNation operates in partnership with 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsors California Community Foundation and the Creative Visions Foundation.

Singleton Foundation partners with ASU to make available their financial literacy and entrepreneurship content, resources, and programs to ASU’s students, faculty and staff, with collaboration with ASU’s J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute , the ASU Global Sports Institute and through their Sun Devils athletics.

United Way
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona responds to our community’s needs, transforms individual lives and brings long-lasting, systemic change to our community by focusing on the key, underlying issues. We fight for education, financial wellness, equality and healthy communities for every person in Tucson and Southern Arizona from birth to end of life. Our role as community convener enables us to form strategic partnerships, mobilize the best resources and be the catalyst for needed, positive change.